A couple weeks ago, her 'Mawma' and 'Papa' (her Daddy's parents) got her set up with some tadpoles and all the ingredients for a little pond habitat for them. She concentrated intensely and worked very hard as she dutifully completed the steps to build them a happy home. Notice she's wearing her Tinkerbell dress up shoes while assembling the dirt, rocks, pond water, and plants.
When Livy's Uncle Adam came to town, she did a fabulous job playing the role of hostess and entertaining our guest. Actually, I think they were entertaining each other.
I can't quite decide if we have a tomboy or girlie girl on our hands, maybe it's both. Lately, though, she is on a BIG dress up and Cinderella kick. Cinderella is lovingly referred to as 'Love' because of the song she dances with the prince to. Livy was a little piggie swimming in swine the other day wearing a Cinderella dress up outfit, sitting in her princess chair, and watching her favorite movie. She twirled, danced, and sang her little heart out. My parents (Dammaw and Guhpah) have fueled this little flame by buying her a set of fine jewelry, complete with tiara, clip-on earrings, necklace, and ring. It feels so good to this Mommy to watch her daughter look in the mirror and love what she sees. And it's really very cute. (Back to the tomboy mode, Aunt Becky narrowly escaped the projectile tiara the other day.)
Oh, I love all of these pictures!!! I like the ones of her excitement at the tadpoles and the look she's giving herself in the mirror with all of her fine jewelry :)
BIG bummer that I completely forgot about my company event on Saturday - I really wanted to see you!!!!!
So glad we got to talk, as always, even if it was just for a few brief minutes - LOVE YOU!
How adorable. She's really growing up. Thanks for sharing all your precious moments. : )
Too cute, Jenny!!! I'll bet Aunt Becky is equally thrilled to spend time with Livy...as are "The Best Damma" and Gumpah (?)!!! :) We're moved in - just settling and putting things n stuff away. More later... Love to you all!
Thinking of you today while you're only 3.5 HOURS away from me!!!!!!!!!!! So sad I couldn't meet up with you today...but I hope to see fun pics from your trip to Nashville very soon!
I love you!!
I love those pictures! The one with her looking in the mirror is wonderful!
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