A former student and special friend was in a talent show at my old school, and I was able to watch her perform with her three younger sisters. Her and her family are such lovely people and are completely faithful to and filled with faith for God in the midst of Mom's battle with a glioblastoma, a cruel form of brain cancer. God is good, though, her health and all their spirits are remarkable considering their trials. Seeing such a precious family perform Do a Deer touched my soul to the core. After their performance, there was a duet. One of the girls was wheelchair bound, and her little body is strongly affected by Cerebral Palsy. But her soul is not! I watched these beautiful girls sing, "Take the shackels off my feet so I can dance! I just want to praise You. You broke the chains, now I can lift my hands. And I'm gonna praise You!" Wow! What a powerful message that touched the audience immensely!
I heard this song on the radio last night on the way to the talent show and watched the video on YouTube when I got home. Tears streaming down my face. If you have a little girl or are a girl who has that special bond with your dad, prepare yourself with tissue. I'm not savvy enough to actually post the video, so here's the link:
How precious...I'm so glad you got to go see your former students in their performance, and I can only imagine how moving and encouraging it was to see them.
I love you :)
Man Jennifer... I hadn't cried today! That video was very moving. I have to turn the radio off when I hear songs like that because I just can't take it.
Hi friend. Nice to find you on the web. I think we're in the same boat with this blog thing. I'll link you to mine as soon as I can. Love to the fam.
I cry at that song all the time! It touches my heart! Love ya!
Hey there, Jenny Pen! Love the blog! Grandma Kate is dying to see it (after I explained what a blog was!) - and she sends her love. Can't wait to see you and Miss Olivia and the rest of the family SOON, so come see us!!! ;)
Love you all!
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